MAXX12′s music seeks to inspire a world of perfection, harmony and integrity. Their trust in one another gives them strength and confidence to overcome the obstacles in life and produce great music. MAXX12 believes that for a better world to happen, men will need to become healthier and more mature, so, they use the the four Jungian archetypes of the mature masculine: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover to support and empower themselves and other men to step up and heal themselves and our world. They also learn from animal spirit totem energies. By using the traits of your power animal, you can bring its power and knowledge into your life. Animals have long been revered for their ability to bridge the gap between the two worlds and bring messages from the Other Side.


T. Michael Riddle

4Raised barefoot in Southern swamps, playing home made guitars and listening to rhythm and blues, lead guitarist and songwriter, T Michael Riddle grew up the son of a country and western performer and found himself alternating between singing gospel in church three days a week and being back stage with the giants of country music. T Michael’s done hard labor and been a hunting guide his whole life and is “old school” proud, honest, courageous, strong and vigilant against evil wherever he sees it. You can feel his tenacity throughout MAXX12’s music…

Nickname: Rooster
Rooster is a guardian and protector of family, In T Michael’s case his own and the band’s. Because he is part Choctaw Indian, Mike like a rooster, is keenly aware of his physical and spiritual surroundings and is always headed for his ideals, full of dignity and confidence. Rooster energy is full of enthusiasm and optimism, and will teach you the same. Rooster says, it’s time to welcome the sun with your voice and communication abilities with poise, confidence and assuredness. Rooster will aid in the process of presentation whether it be physical or spiritual, communicating your heart’s intents and desires.

Archetype: The King
The King archetype incorporates the other three mature masculine archetypes in perfect harmony. It’s the energy that gives a man a sense of his full potential. The word integrity is related to the roots of words like “integrate” and “entire.” In Spanish it is rendered “integro,” meaning whole. Integrity is really the bond that holds a man’s other virtues together; it is the mark of a man who has successfully integrated all good principles. The King mends broken relationships, keeps his word, acts with honesty, and takes responsibility for his actions. A man who is accessing the King archetype understands that his power and influence in the world increases as he empowers others to live to their fullest potential. As we grow older, wiser, and more in touch with the King archetype, it is our responsibility as men to bless and assist younger men on their path to mature masculinity.

Albert Mendez

1Lead singer, songwriter, Albert Mendez has movie star looks and a rock star voice. Born into a lineage (Navarro) that includes a man who fought beside Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, and who built a fortune and lost it in a card game. Albert grew up singing Ranchero, Flamenco and Classic Rock music. A dedicated family man with an actress wife and two charming children, Albert is a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of grounded humanness.

Nickname: Fire Horse
The Fire Horse is the most unconventional, freedom-loving and adventurous of the Horse types. For the Fire Horse, there is little enjoyment to be found in a slow-paced life which explains why their interests and focus can change on a whim. Their passionate nature is appealing to others, which explains why they have a long-line of admirers and followers. Luckily, the Fire Horse is quite at ease in leadership roles and actively seeks the opportunity to do so.

Archetype: Magician
The magician’s abilities represent–the power that comes from the mastery of a secret knowledge. The yearning to harness and possess that power is what fuels the Magician archetype, an energy that every man should seek, whether or not he ever hopes to saw a lady in half. The Magician is a “master of technology.” When men learn the secret knowledge of how the world works, and use that knowledge to harness its laws, energies, and forces in order to manipulate them into practical tools and systems, they’re accessing Magician energy. When the Magician archetype is integrated into a man, he looks for ways to turn disappointing situations and setbacks into opportunities to learn, grow, and become a better man.

Jon Hampton

2Long time rock bassist, Jon Hampton’s determination to never give up on his dream is reflected in his not having a family so he could stay focused on his career. In the 80’s Jon played with T Michael Riddle in the band Valhalla. More than 20 years later they’ve combined again to form the nucleus of MAXX12. Hampton’s style on the bass was described as solid, confident and aggressive by rock legend Ronnie Montrose who produced the band before his death.

Nickname: Mongoose
Jon’s gift to you is a reminder to, like Mongoose, the cute little creature famous for taking on venomous snakes, defend yourself with courage, honesty and openness so that the outcome will be beneficial to everybody; to pursue your goals with passion and get the results that you desire; to clear out all the clutter in your life – the annoying and distracting things that interfere with your ability to pursue your passions and the ability to relax.

Archetype: Warrior
Every great civilization has a great warrior tradition and accompanying warrior myths. But in general, modern culture is not comfortable with Warrior energy. Since the social and cultural revolutions of the 60s and 70s, we’ve generally taught boys and men to avoid confrontation and conflict and to instead nurture their “Nice Guy” – the man who will avoid confrontation and aggression even when confrontation is justified. The problem is not Warrior energy itself, but Warrior energy that is not used in harmony with the other masculine archetypes and directed by empathy, contemplation, and order. Fighting itself is not bad, the question is simply: What is a man fighting for? The Warrior’s energy is needed not only in times of war, but on all the battlefields of life. Properly tapping into the Warrior’s energy provides a man with an unsurpassable power source which will fuel him to reach his goals, fight for worthy causes, achieve greatness, and leave a lasting legacy.

Chris Sepulveda

3Powerful percussionist Chris Sepulveda, like T Michael and Albert, gave up the prime years of his music career to take care of his family. His colleagues went on to success in groups like Smashmouth, Bulletboys, and to produce Sheryl Crow. The good father is now the great drummer and driving energy for the idea that MAXX12 has earned it’s time in the light and are headed for the sun.

Nickname: Pit Bull
As a power animal the pit bull is a strong and potentially dangerous creature that can be very protective of those close to them. Pit Bull can be defensive, and hard to read from a distance, but those close to them know that few people are as loyal, kind-hearted, and family-oriented as the Pit Bull. They rarely let those they don’t know well get too close. A Pit Bull will fight to the death to defend its friends and family with relentless vigor. They believe strongly in justice and fairness and do not hesitate to step in when a situation is out of balance.

Archetype: Lover
There are many types of love – a love for family, for friends, for God, and for life itself – and the Lover archetype passionately seeks after them all. The Lover is the archetype of emotion, feeling, idealism, and sensuality. The Lover uses all of his senses in all areas of his life and experiences as many dimensions of life as possible, as often as possible. When a man taps into the Lover archetype’s energy, he feels alive, vigorous and connected to the world and those around him.